< When Things Start to Think:當鞋子開始思考> by Neil Gershenfeld---second half part | Until The Twelve of Never

Followed a friend before at the time of going shopping or chatting or having a meal, I had ever wanted to go to some ideas: Walk on the street of the hot summer and by this time if our clothes are a temperatures to regulate and the power comes from us to take a stroll. This clothes can let our body keep in the steady temperature and humidity. This clothes looks the same with general clothes ---perhaps we can make it bright and dazzling more. "Wear Computer" also is the automatic record and analyzes our physiology condition and does the best reaction. Past is the big one computer and the most people can not afford to buy. Afterwards is that everyones can buy desktop computer. And then is the notebook, PDA .......the end is? Perhaps we are to wear computer when go out.

There is a words in our Chinese say:"The knowledge of book hates few when goes to use ". In addition to encouraging a person to study much and it also point out the weakness of books at the right moment--- it can't be token the knowledge for wanting immediately. Because no one would everyday bring a heap of book when goes out and in order to prevent that have it maybe to use, and you don.t know whether use them or not? The e-book may correct this weakness and perhaps we only need to bring "one page" to go out and can renew the book's content, translate book's categorical data at any time, search date of library,that's all only at this one page. But, we lost much fun in the meantime and also get many "restrictions". In regard to the electronics paper, it has no way to be read under any light and the angle.(in dark, no one can be read) I want at the time of reading from sit to change lie, in addition to adjusting body, we have to also adjust the light and the angle. the traditional paper book doesn't have those problems; The electronics paper is to need to be maintained and be charged but the traditional paper book doesn't need at all. Traditional book can also be marked and commented; Another, the traditional paper book can be bumped and pressed and even you can use to be a pillow and use to be padded high to take some thing and press the instant noodles cover....... Can the electronics paper attain these? Perhaps it can be done but you will not do so. The electronics paper and traditional book are each to have merits and shortcomings, how do you chose? Or choose the third kind thing that has the merits of them ?!

"Print" is much experience that the persons all had: The decision wants to print of data--> print on the paper--> take to use. But, it is still a piece of paper finally. If "print out" to be like playing Lego? If we can become all blocks of Lego to be micro-computers and use each blocks that has different characteristic to assemble the articles that we want. Let it be activity, test right away. Even print out the article that in the computer, belong to personal realistic thing of manufacturing. So, the margin of the things in the computer and the reality almost nonexistent.
Imaginably, evolving of digital science and technology aroused the development of the worlds and this world would be more and more interesting!

以前跟朋友在逛街或聊天或吃飯的時候,我曾經想過到一些ideas。走在炎熱夏天的街道上,這時候如果我們的衣服本身就是一台溫度調節,電力來自於我們的 走動,這件衣服可以隨著我們的設定而讓我們的身體保持在一定的溫度與溼度,這件衣服看起來就跟一般的衣服沒兩樣--也許我們可以做得更炫。"穿在身上的電 "也是如此,自動記錄並分析我們的生理狀況並做出反應調節。以前是大到大多數人買不起的電腦,後來是人人都買得起的桌上型電腦,再來是筆記型電腦、 PDA.......最後?也許我們是穿著電腦出門的。

我們中國有一句話說:「書到用時方恨少」。除了勉勵人要多讀書之外,它也剛好指出書籍的缺點---不能即時吸取到想要的知識,因為沒有人會每天把一大堆書出門以防備不時之需,而且你還不確定是不是用得到?電子書就可能改正這個缺點,也許我們只需帶著"一頁"出門,隨時可以更新書籍的內容、變換書籍的類 別、搜尋圖書館的資料,都只在一頁薄薄的""。但,在這同時我們失去了許多的樂趣,也得到許多的"限制":就電子紙來說,它並沒有辦法在任何燈光及角度 下閱讀(黑暗全部都不行)。在閱讀的時候我想要從坐著換成躺著,除了調整身體之外,我們也得調整光線及光入射的角度。傳統的紙張書籍根本不用這麼麻煩的閱 讀;電子紙張是需要保養及充電的,傳統指張一點都不需要,還可以在上面做記號、眉批;還有一點,傳統紙張書籍耐撞耐壓,你可以用來當枕頭、用來墊高取物、 壓泡麵蓋......,電子紙張可以做到這些嗎?也許可以,但是你不會這樣做。電子紙張與傳統書籍各有優缺點,你會怎麼選呢?還是會出現兩個優點兼備的第 三樣東西?!

"列印"是許多人都有過的經驗:決定要印的資料-->印在紙上-->拿去用。但是,它 終究還是一 張紙。如果"列印"像在玩樂高積木呢?如果我 們可以把每一塊樂高積木都變成微電腦,利用每一塊積木的不同特性來組裝我們想要的物件,裝好馬上就可以讓它活動、測試。甚至列印在電腦裡的物件,屬於個人 製造的現實東西。那麼,電腦裡的東西與現實的差距就幾乎不存在了。

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