Mail Server 移機--後記

Mail Server in the machine after a shift and start to test ok, but over the past few days has occurred several problems. DNS aspects aside for the moment and the local server has some problems.

First : When sign openwebmail and it displayed "can not read lock /var/spool/mail/user! " or " Unknown error at user write lock error ) : " After an investigation and discovered that the original mail owner was lost, mail owner became root. I do not know all of accounts the passwords and were unable to test how many lost, so change one by one. However, my good friend Pcpark provide a batch file to modify quickly and saved a lot of time. Create a text file that contains all the mail users account and create a batch file to execute. For example :

#vi chownuser










Save it.



for name in `cat chownuser`
chown $name.mail $name

Save it.

These two files on the mail directory and then execute.


This will help you change all of mail owners! ^ ^

2nd : Some people sign will be displayed at the bottom bunch .

Software error:

Undefined subroutine &ow::htmltext::str2html called at /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/shares/ line 1283.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

The problem is user's home directory mistakes, as long as back into their original position.

Third : This is a big problem, the PC is not to be mail server originally. So the partition for /var in the first place is not allocated greater capacity, so the mail will fill /var partition. Don't re-install........ Finally I think solution in the bath:

#cd /var/spool/

#mkdir /home/mail

#mv /var/spool/mail/* /home/mail

#chown root.mail /home/mail

#mv mail mail_old

#ln -s /home/maol /var/spool/mail

As a result, all letters moved to /home/mail underground. If there is the question of mail owner occurred, you want to change mail owner again.

#cd /home/mail



Mail Server在移機之後一開始試OK的,可是過幾天卻遇到許多的問題,DNS方面暫且不談,本機就有一些問題了。

第一:登入openwebmail時顯示"讀取無法鎖定 /var/spool/mail/user!

"或是"Unknown error at user write lock error):"經查證之後才發現,原來有些mail的權限已經跑掉了,擁有者變成root而不昰user本身,因我無所有user的帳號密碼,不能一一 測試到底有哪些權限跑掉了,於是就一個一個改權限。不過,我的好朋友pcpark提供一個batch改權限的方式,讓我省了不少時間:


#vi chownuser













for name in `cat chownuser`
chown $name.mail $name






Software error:

Undefined subroutine &ow::htmltext::str2html called at /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/shares/ line 1283.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.


第三:這是一個大問題,原本此PC不是要用來當作mail server的,所以當初在partition時倂沒有給/var很大的容量,所以移過來的/var/mail一下子就會把該partition塞爆,不想重灌.......。終於在洗澡時想到解決的方式:


#cd /var/spool/

#mkdir /home/mail

#mv /var/spool/mail/* /home/mail

#chown root.mail /home/mail

#mv mail mail_old

#ln -s /home/maol /var/spool/mail



#cd /home/mail



Mail Server 移機完畢

Because of the recent mail server was hacked and I also FreeBSD wake unable to make the best management, therefore take this opportunity to move Mail Server to Fedora Core 6. Previously prepared to put the work in advance is create all of the user accounts of FreeBSD in FC6. But no one should create account one by one! After all, the units have nearly 200 people Account. Therefore, due to this Webmin installed a suite, so we can export substantial account:

Login the FreeBSD system which own webmin service --->System---> Users and Groups --->Export users to select batch file--->Select the users and their options --->Export NOW

Login Fedora Core 6's webmin--->System --->Users and Groups--->Create, modify and delete users from batch file --->Browse you file---> select the set options --->Execute batch

Waitting implementation of the batch file .... . Done! ^ ^

This preparatory work is finish! Finish a "major event"!

Next, should the FreeBSD mail and mail folders of user home directory (because it was installed the openwebmail) transfer to FC6 (I use is that I want, is probably the most stupid way. .)

In FreeBSD :

#cd var * FreeBSD because my mail is under the /var

#tar zcvf mail.tar.gz mail/

*Entire mail folder compressed into one of tarball

# mv mail.tar.gz /var/www/html/ *moved to the web underground

# cd / * under /

#tar zcvf home.tar.gz home/ *all user home folders under /home

#mv home.tar.gz /var/www/html/ *moved to the web underground

Fedora Core 6 :

#cd /

#wget http : //freebsd.domain/home.tar.gz

*Catch FreeBSD's home directory file backup

#tar zxvf home.tar.gz

*decompress home.ta r.gz. This will directly cover the original home
directory file name all the same file or folder

#rm -rf home.tar. gz * Remove have already decompress off tarball

#cd /var/spool *to mail stored in the folder on the floor

#wget http://freebsd.domain/mail.tar.gz *FreeBSD's mail backup file.

#tar zxvf mail.tar.gz *decompress mail backup file

#rm -rf mail.tar.gz *delete the mail.tar.gz has been used.

Don't forget to back to FreeBSD to delete the files that are homr.tar.gz and mail.tar.gz under the website root directory! Otherwise, people can download arbitrary your backup file is, of course, your web servers are the starting. Now almost completed. YA!

最近因為Mail Server常被入侵,而且FreeBSD我也不熟,無法作最好的管理,於是趁此機會要將Mail Server移到Fedora Core 6上。


登入 FreeBSD的webmin--->系統--->使用者與群組--->Export users to batch file--->選好要匯出的使用者及其選項--->Export NOW

登入 Fedora Core 6的webmin--->系統--->使用者與群組--->使用批次檔一次過建立/修改/刪除使用者--->Browse你會出的檔案--->--->選好要設定的選項--->執行批次檔

Waitting.....Done! ^^




#cd /var *因我的bsd的mail是放在/var/mail底下

#tar zcvf mail.tar.gz mail/ *把整個mail資料夾壓縮成一個tar.gz的壓縮檔

# mv mail.tar.gz /var/www/html/ *移到網頁目錄底下

# cd / *到 / 底下

#tar zcvf home.tar.gz home/ *所有人的家目錄在home底下

#mv home.tar.gz /var/www/html/ *一樣移到網頁目錄底下

Fedora Core 6上

#cd /

#wget http://freebsd.domain/home.tar.gz


#tar zxvf home.tar.gz


#rm -rf home.tar.gz *刪除已經解開過的壓縮檔(不解開就是暫空間而已)

#cd /var/spool *到FC6上存放mail的資料夾的上一層

#wget http://freebsd.domain/mail.tar.gz

#tar zxvf mail.tar.gz *解開mail備份檔

#rm -rf mail.tar.gz *刪除已經用過的mail備份檔



Beach, Hot, Fry Shrimp | 海灘、熱、蝦子

Under sunshine, someone beach। Rare people here, who were scattered around the beach। Between the beach and surrounding roads are several the street vendors। Although the weather is so hot that can only let people hear their heavy breathing , but there was a lively atmosphere, as if there are many unvisible people on your side, and not feel bored। It just hot~hot ~hot! Along the beach road and walk the line, want to find the street vendors to drink। Suddenly, a school female colleagues sale fry shrimp, she is also one of the vendors। The strange thing is that her business has been remarkably good under this hot beach। I take her final shrimp, Shelling, eating incomplete shrimp meat, courtesy to say : "It's delicious! "

" Sorry, this is the last one, no! , "She said with a smile.
I also smile : "Never mind, there are opportunities for the future "
" If you are willing to help me with the tools stalls, and perhaps I can give you some? "She asked
"No problem, even if there is no fry shrimp I will be happy to help."
Her work kitchen in another side of the beach. Here only has a small wooden house overlooking the sea and on th beach with a few strokes that be hanged breaking flues. But doesn't exist a small broken boat, lost some miserable feeling.
Tools moved to put next to the washbasin.
"If there are cool watermelon to eat, it the more wonderful! "She washing bowl side edge and humorous said.
"This simple! "I smiled
With these words, I face the sea, invoke by a gesture like a ninjas and shout "Shadow duplicable skill, watermelon come~~".
Without the expected emergence of numerous me, but there have a gas from my legs into the sea. Mess into a white skin and green lines watermelon. Waiting for approaching me, proudly pick it up and give her. Here ! For you! "Surprise! How do you have? Look good to eat. " She did not see that I just do.
"You need not care so much, just eat enough. " I talk to her with a smile :" Can I help you to carve? Forget it, your own good. " I gave her and go in a room next to the kitchen to help her string of fry shrimp."
Of course, when saw plump fry shrimp always sent to my mouth. Afraid she found, but ate very happy that I was laughing in my mind. "A cool watermelon for a few fry shrimp , OK! "
About ate less than three fry shrimp, look the scenery outside, the sun still makes people unable to open their eyes. Afar appeared a small figure on the white beach unexpected point, regardless, continues the "Watermelon for fry shrimp" and with her, I did not communicate.
My brother appeared by riding a bicycle, just the original black spots was my brother.
He Rode around me : "Brother! Do you know where Daddy? "
" He seems to uncle's home. "
He said" Oh ! It's OK! I go to find him now. Do you have something for him? "
I gave him several fry shrimp, like these fry shrimp were mine, said : "Take to eat with daddy. "
Happiest he said :" OK! Bye! "Brother left.
I Ports string well fry shrimp to the colleagues and then said :" Well, this is your fry shrimps."
Gave all the shrimps to her and calmly said :" I have gone, goodbye! "Turnabout and leave.
"Wait! "She suddenly exclaimed.
I scare in my mind, Was it possible that eating fry shrimps behavior was found?
"Do you like me, or how to give me so much favor? "She calm and without feeling.
I vent their anger :" Do you think too much of it! I just have nothing to do in the seaside. "
"What help you don't want to return, and to no purpose. " End the word and turned left.
"Hey ~" she shouted behind me.

(Alarm clock rang really time! )