Snap Shots in Drupal

Originally built in a site of materials used is Drupal, then my manager hope that can upload materials with a thumbnail to respect users preview. However, more than 1,000 information, how could I make thumbnail for everyone? Today, I find the "Snap Shots" this tool, and the official website also provides Drupal module, that is to mean that can be used Snap Shots directly in Drupal.
Use very simple, as long as installed Snap Preview module and then to Sanp Shots website to register an id, and then Snap Shots website on the website of the new ID, fill it in the Snap Priview Setting of Drupal and it can work.
當初在建置數位教材中心的時候用的是Drupal,那時我們的老大希望在上傳教材時能有個縮圖,以方面使用者預覽。不過,資料上千筆,我怎麼可能一筆一筆來作縮圖?今天讓我找到這個Snap Shots這個工具了,而且Drupal官方網站還提供模組,就是說可以直接在Drupal上使用Snap Shots。
使用方式很簡單,只要裝好Snap Preview模組再到SanpShots網站去註冊一個帳號即可以,然後把SnapShots網站上新增的網站的ID填入Drupal的Snap Priview Setting裡即可。
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