10/16/2007 Cloudy Day(Taipei)

Originally, a teacher want me to help her to repair his PC. She said that the internet of her PC sometimes good being used, but usually being bad. When I went, this PC was good like normal, but when I left, it was broken! = =! ! !
No lesson this morning, I went and reapir, as a result, ha! it is good !

At afternoon, the IT Board Meeting, each teacher share that how to use IT Board to improve teaching, and I also introduced Google Earth that will use in teaching;Using it already serveral days, the software of IT Board is ETeasy5 that is not easy. Except error or motionless can be commended, there is no other merits of it. In the end, what is it a kind of software? To me, it is still a interrogation?

原本要幫一個老師修他的PC,他說他的PC網路時好時壞,我去的時候好的,我走了就壞掉了! = =!!!

下午又是IT Board的Meeting,大家分享如何使用IT Board來改進教學,而我也介紹Google Earth如何用在教學上;不過用來用去,IT Board附的軟體ETeasy5還真的一點都不Easy,除了一直當掉這點直得稱讚之外,其他就沒有什麼長處了。它到底是什麼樣的軟體,對我來說還是個謎?
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