Blog Music Box(KKBox) | 部落格音樂盒(KKBOX)

In Blog, is not afraid to share music! The first few months of television and Internet news media have reported that on the shared musics but became the defendant because his tort. For example, 2007.05.12, The Liberty Times reported a "First instance, posted songs on blogs was sentenced five months." Making the people who on the internet to share music their own quickly removed the music from their sites. The result for many websites become "silence".
Today, I discover the website KKBOX provide a tool "Blog Music Box," that can play musics in blogs. So that we can continue to share in blogs! . I think, KKBOX is to use its own advantages, providing music with copyright for everyone to share and audition, so we may take it and use without tort issue!
Let blog continue to sing~
在Blog上分享音樂不怕被抓了!前幾個月電視與網路新聞媒體均有報導在無名小站上分享音樂而被告親權的例子,譬如2007.05.12日的自由電子報有一則"判刑首例部落格貼歌 被判5個月",使得在網路上分享音樂的人們趕緊撤掉自己網站的音樂,結果讓許多的網站"失聲"了。
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