Install Xcache to accelerate for PHP

In addition to eAccelerator I found a tool that can accelerate for the PHP. However the person who use it less apparently.

Install it also easily. But you must install php-devel befor. Because we will use phpize later.

The suggestion of the official website, if you use php 4 and you want to use 1.03 edition as follows;You use php5 above and you better went to use 1.20-rc1 edition



#cd /usr/local/src


#tar zxvf xcache-1.2.0-rc1.tar.gz

#cd xcache

#phpize // use phpize to create configure file.

#./configure --enable-xcache --enable...


#make install

#cat xcache.ini >> /etc/php.ini

#$EDITOR /etc/php.ini //alter xcache settings to what you want and don't forget
to restart your web server.

Xcache also has Web UI:

Copy the directory "admin" to you web root. Maybe you create a directory for Xcache's admin.

#mkdir /your/webroot/xcachexcache

#cp -R admin/ /your/webroot/xcache/

# $EDITOR /etc/

Alter the username and password to what you want.

xcache.admin.user = "admin"
; xcache.admin.pass = md5($your_password)
xcache.admin.pass = ""

You can use php page to create your password md5 code.


Reatart you web server and connect your Xcache admin URL. ^^






#cd /usr/local/src


#tar zxvf xcache-1.2.0-rc1.tar.gz

#cd xcache

#phpize // 使用 phpize 產生configure檔。

#./configure --enable-xcache --enable...


#make install

#cat xcache.ini >> /etc/php.ini

#$EDITOR /etc/php.ini

Xcache 也有網頁控制介面:


#mkdir /your/webroot/xcache

#cp -R admin/ /your/webroot/xcache/

# $EDITOR /etc/ //修改php.ini裡的xcache的帳號密碼,密碼要填上MD5碼。

xcache.admin.user = "admin"
; xcache.admin.pass = md5($your_password)
xcache.admin.pass = ""



重新啟動網頁伺服器,然後連上你的Xcache admin的URL。收工!輕輕鬆鬆!^^

Install eAccelerator ( to accelerate for PHP )

One day I went to library and use the Internet. When connect to my website and found the reaction speed of the web page was slow and I probably waited for five seconds for loading completely. I thinks that if a foreign person to connect to my website and it must be more slow! Hence I want to accelerate my httpd and I found the eAccelerator. eAccelerator's installion and configure is very simple. I used the rpm method:( Tarball method can be found at nternet. So, I no longer illustrate with example. )


Download rpm package from mysite ( FC6/httpd-2.3.3-5/PHP-5.1.6) or search from internet.


#rpm -Uvh php-eaccelerator-5.1.6_0.9.5-1.fc6.i386.rpm

Install done.

Configure: /etc/php.d/eaccelerator.ini

eaccelerator.shm_size = "16"
eaccelerator.cache_dir = "/var/cache/php-eaccelerator" eaccelerator.enable = "1"
eaccelerator.optimizer = "1"
eaccelerator.log_file = "/var/log/httpd/eaccelerator_log"
eaccelerator.name_space = ""
eaccelerator.check_mtime = "1"
eaccelerator.filter = ""
eaccelerator.shm_max = "0"
eaccelerator.shm_ttl = "0"
eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = "0"
eaccelerator.shm_only = "0"
eaccelerator.compress = "1"
eaccelerator.compress_level = "9"
eaccelerator.keys = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.sessions = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.content = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.allowed_admin_path = ""

Save it. Restart your httpd.

P.S: If you don't have /etc/php.d/eaccelerator.ini and you must add one.

eAccelerator also has web UI:

#cp /usr/share/doc/php-eaccelerator-5.1.6_0.9.5/*.php /your/web/root/eaccelerator

#$editor //your/web/root/eaccelerator/control.phpeaccelerator

Alter the usrname and password

/** config **/

$user = "admin";

$pw = "eAccelerator";

/** /config **/

Then connect

eAccelerator的安裝非常簡單,尤其是用RPM這個方法:( Tarball 的方法在網路上容易找到,我就不再舉例說明。 )


我的網站 ( FC6/httpd-2.3.3-5/PHP-5.1.6)下載rpm套件或從網路上搜尋適合您的版本。


#rpm -Uvh php-eaccelerator-5.1.6_0.9.5-1.fc6.i386.rpm


設定 eaccelerator的設定檔: /etc/php.d/eaccelerator.ini (如果沒有php.d這個資料夾,就把設定檔加在php.ini裡或是新建一個資料夾來符合路徑位置。)

eaccelerator.shm_size = "16"
eaccelerator.cache_dir = "/var/cache/php-eaccelerator" eaccelerator.enable = "1"
eaccelerator.optimizer = "1"
eaccelerator.log_file = "/var/log/httpd/eaccelerator_log"
eaccelerator.name_space = ""
eaccelerator.check_mtime = "1"
eaccelerator.filter = ""
eaccelerator.shm_max = "0"
eaccelerator.shm_ttl = "0"
eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = "0"
eaccelerator.shm_only = "0"
eaccelerator.compress = "1"
eaccelerator.compress_level = "9"
eaccelerator.keys = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.sessions = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.content = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.allowed_admin_path = ""




#cp /usr/share/doc/php-eaccelerator-5.1.6_0.9.5/*.php /your/web/root/eaccelerator


#$editor //your/web/root/eaccelerator/control.php


/** config **/

$user = "admin";

$pw = "eAccelerator";

/** /config **/


喝茶去吧~~~ ^^

Reslove the Header and Footer graphics of foliage theme not be found解決佈景Foliage頭尾無法顯示圖片

Changed Foliage this theme several days ago, but discovered the Header and Footer graphics not found. Resolve this problem when tried to modify foliage theme yesterday

I found a easy way to resolve this problem. I modified two among those lines in the themes/foliage/style.css


#header {
background-color: #8c3;
background-image: url('themes/foliage/head960.jpg');
height: 100%;
border: 1px solid #ccc;

#footer {
background-color: #8c3;
background-image: url('themes/foliage/foot960.jpg');
height: 30px;
border: 1px solid #ccc


#header {
background-color: #8c3;
background-image: url('head960.jpg');
height: 100%;
border: 1px solid #ccc;

#footer {
background-color: #8c3;
background-image: url('foot960.jpg');
height: 30px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;

Finally, save it and reload your indrx and then the header and footer graphics will be found. ^^

幾天前換了Foliage這個佈景,卻發現Header 和 Footer 的圖片無法顯示。直到昨天嘗試去修改佈景的時候才解決了這個問題。

原來這個Bug很容易修正,只要修改foliage裡的style.css就可以了,修改的地方如下: themes/foliage/style.css

#header {
background-color: #8c3;
background-image: url('themes/foliage/head960.jpg');


background-image: url('head960.jpg');

#footer {
background-color: #8c3;
background-image: url('themes/foliage/foot960.jpg');


background-image: url('foot960.jpg');

之後,存檔、收工。回到首頁重新整理試試看. ^^

The years urges a person old.歲月催人老

Yesterday at the time of teaching the kids how to do web pages. A little boy raised hand to ask question and when I walked to his backed. I found suddenly his eyes good brightness in astonishment and think of my eyes of the past was also such. Just be blighted through years now and having already can't used the look in the eyes to attract other people and only will frightened the other people ...... 昨天在教小朋友做頁的時候,一個小男孩舉手發問,我走到他的後面時,我突然發現他的眼睛好明亮。我愣了一下,後來想到我以前的眼神也是如此的。只是現在經 過歲月的摧殘,已經不能用眼神吸引別人了,只會把別人給嚇跑....

Create Google SiteMap for Free

This website can support us to create google sitemap for free.

And I also use it to test the URLs of my site that whether have the link mistake or not. ^^

這個網站可以免費製作google sitemap,我也用它來測試我的URL是否有錯誤或找不到目標的情形!^^

Installs LifeType for Students架設LifeType(Resolve Big5 Code)

Why would choose LifeType? Because it is the multiple blog and is matching our demand. However I detect that use the Big5 will produce disorderly yard after install version lifetype-1.1.2 disorderly code. Use the Libiconv for Linux and Convertz for Windows all can't resolve my problem. Hence I used the most stupid method to install LifeType:

If you have the big5 code problem. Skip the first five steps and Start from the sixth step.

Step 1:

Download the version lifetype-1.06 . Because this version can support Big5 code.

#tar zxvf lifetype-1.0.6.tar.gz

#mv lifetype-1.0.6 blog

//Rename : lifetype-1.0.6 become blog

#chmod 777 blog/config/

//Let be rewritable.

Step 2:

Create a database user for this lifetype

Step 3:

Open your browser and connect

Step 4:

Next by next...


#rm -rf blog/wizard.php

Now, LifeType-1.0.6 is done. But I want to upgrade to version lifetype-1.1.2


Backup the file blog/config/ and move it to other directory.

Delete all of the blog directory.

#rm -rf blog/*

//Delete all files( excepted)


Download LifeType-1.1.2 from

and command

#tar zxvf lifetype-1.1.2.tar.gz

#mv lifetype-devel-20061112/* blog/

And then cover blog/config/ with the bcakup file

#mv blog/cinfig/

mv: Cover blog/cinfig/ or not? y

Step 8:

Connect again

and next by next. It will upgrade automaticly.

Step 9:

#rm -rf blog/wizard.php

Well done. ^^

為什麼會選擇LifeType呢?因為他是多人使用的blog,正合需要。不過在安裝lifetype-1.1.2版的之後卻發現,使用Big5會產生亂 碼,使用Linux上的Libiconv及Windows上的Convertz均解決不了我的問題。於是用了最笨的方法來安裝LifeType:



下載支援Big5的lifetype-1.06 .


#tar zxvf lifetype-1.0.6.tar.gz

#mv lifetype-1.0.6 blog


#chmod 777 blog/config/


步驟 2:


步驟 3:


步驟 4:

依序填完資料然後Next by next...

步驟 5:

#rm -rf blog/wizard.php


現在1.0.6版的已經裝好了. 但是現再要一次升級到 lifetype-1.1.2

步驟 6:

備份檔案 blog/config/然後移到別的資料夾去。


#rm -rf blog/*


步驟 7:

下載 LifeType-1.1.2


#tar zxvf lifetype-1.1.2.tar.gz

#mv lifetype-devel-20061112/* blog/

//把解壓縮後, lifetype-1.1.2裡的所有檔案移到blog底下

用備份起來的 去覆蓋現在的

#mv blog/cinfig/

mv: 是否覆蓋 blog/cinfig/ or not? y

步驟 8:



步驟 9:


#rm -rf blog/wizard.php

結束 ^^

< When Things Start to Think:當鞋子開始思考> by Neil Gershenfeld---second half part | Until The Twelve of Never

Followed a friend before at the time of going shopping or chatting or having a meal, I had ever wanted to go to some ideas: Walk on the street of the hot summer and by this time if our clothes are a temperatures to regulate and the power comes from us to take a stroll. This clothes can let our body keep in the steady temperature and humidity. This clothes looks the same with general clothes ---perhaps we can make it bright and dazzling more. "Wear Computer" also is the automatic record and analyzes our physiology condition and does the best reaction. Past is the big one computer and the most people can not afford to buy. Afterwards is that everyones can buy desktop computer. And then is the notebook, PDA .......the end is? Perhaps we are to wear computer when go out.

There is a words in our Chinese say:"The knowledge of book hates few when goes to use ". In addition to encouraging a person to study much and it also point out the weakness of books at the right moment--- it can't be token the knowledge for wanting immediately. Because no one would everyday bring a heap of book when goes out and in order to prevent that have it maybe to use, and you don.t know whether use them or not? The e-book may correct this weakness and perhaps we only need to bring "one page" to go out and can renew the book's content, translate book's categorical data at any time, search date of library,that's all only at this one page. But, we lost much fun in the meantime and also get many "restrictions". In regard to the electronics paper, it has no way to be read under any light and the angle.(in dark, no one can be read) I want at the time of reading from sit to change lie, in addition to adjusting body, we have to also adjust the light and the angle. the traditional paper book doesn't have those problems; The electronics paper is to need to be maintained and be charged but the traditional paper book doesn't need at all. Traditional book can also be marked and commented; Another, the traditional paper book can be bumped and pressed and even you can use to be a pillow and use to be padded high to take some thing and press the instant noodles cover....... Can the electronics paper attain these? Perhaps it can be done but you will not do so. The electronics paper and traditional book are each to have merits and shortcomings, how do you chose? Or choose the third kind thing that has the merits of them ?!

"Print" is much experience that the persons all had: The decision wants to print of data--> print on the paper--> take to use. But, it is still a piece of paper finally. If "print out" to be like playing Lego? If we can become all blocks of Lego to be micro-computers and use each blocks that has different characteristic to assemble the articles that we want. Let it be activity, test right away. Even print out the article that in the computer, belong to personal realistic thing of manufacturing. So, the margin of the things in the computer and the reality almost nonexistent.
Imaginably, evolving of digital science and technology aroused the development of the worlds and this world would be more and more interesting!

以前跟朋友在逛街或聊天或吃飯的時候,我曾經想過到一些ideas。走在炎熱夏天的街道上,這時候如果我們的衣服本身就是一台溫度調節,電力來自於我們的 走動,這件衣服可以隨著我們的設定而讓我們的身體保持在一定的溫度與溼度,這件衣服看起來就跟一般的衣服沒兩樣--也許我們可以做得更炫。"穿在身上的電 "也是如此,自動記錄並分析我們的生理狀況並做出反應調節。以前是大到大多數人買不起的電腦,後來是人人都買得起的桌上型電腦,再來是筆記型電腦、 PDA.......最後?也許我們是穿著電腦出門的。

我們中國有一句話說:「書到用時方恨少」。除了勉勵人要多讀書之外,它也剛好指出書籍的缺點---不能即時吸取到想要的知識,因為沒有人會每天把一大堆書出門以防備不時之需,而且你還不確定是不是用得到?電子書就可能改正這個缺點,也許我們只需帶著"一頁"出門,隨時可以更新書籍的內容、變換書籍的類 別、搜尋圖書館的資料,都只在一頁薄薄的""。但,在這同時我們失去了許多的樂趣,也得到許多的"限制":就電子紙來說,它並沒有辦法在任何燈光及角度 下閱讀(黑暗全部都不行)。在閱讀的時候我想要從坐著換成躺著,除了調整身體之外,我們也得調整光線及光入射的角度。傳統的紙張書籍根本不用這麼麻煩的閱 讀;電子紙張是需要保養及充電的,傳統指張一點都不需要,還可以在上面做記號、眉批;還有一點,傳統紙張書籍耐撞耐壓,你可以用來當枕頭、用來墊高取物、 壓泡麵蓋......,電子紙張可以做到這些嗎?也許可以,但是你不會這樣做。電子紙張與傳統書籍各有優缺點,你會怎麼選呢?還是會出現兩個優點兼備的第 三樣東西?!

"列印"是許多人都有過的經驗:決定要印的資料-->印在紙上-->拿去用。但是,它 終究還是一 張紙。如果"列印"像在玩樂高積木呢?如果我 們可以把每一塊樂高積木都變成微電腦,利用每一塊積木的不同特性來組裝我們想要的物件,裝好馬上就可以讓它活動、測試。甚至列印在電腦裡的物件,屬於個人 製造的現實東西。那麼,電腦裡的東西與現實的差距就幾乎不存在了。

The website of the free translation / 免費翻譯的網站 / 無料で翻訳するのウェブサイト/免费翻译的网站 | Until The Twelve of Never

This website can translate English into the Chinese BG5 or Japanese and Chinese GB, but have the word number restriction. But, I don't understand Japanese. So, when following their online chat what can I only type Japanese but don't understand them to say?

このウェブサイトは日本語を中国の話 (繁体字 ) 、英語及び中国の話 (簡体字 ) に翻訳することが出来るが、字数の制限があります。もっと多いサービスを使用するのは支払う、しかしチャットから言うと、十分だよ!^^



< When Things Start to Think:當鞋子開始思考> by Neil Gershenfeld---first half part | Until The Twelve of Never

When meander along in the library and want

to find a book to read. I come in sight of this

words, hence take it to go to the library

counter then passed my library card......

"When things start to think" I think the

meanings of this words be: The thing

knows how to learn, record, analysis and

does appropriate of reaction. That means the thing that we

make starts having AI. The trend that manufactures computers

now is also a trait of this aspect develop. For example the

computer now has already canned control the whole software &

hardware equipments with all family. At you are just preparing to

go home,computer is already dealing with food for you and

opening air conditioner and even preparing hot water lets you

take a shower; Return to your house, the light turned on

automatically and you will find that publish the latest message

newspaper to have already prepared. The coffee that is by the

side of the newspaper still reek continuously; The computer would

even analyze your motion of now to decide to broadcast music

and adjust indoor temperature, humidity, let you be placed in

comfortably. Above, included the AI of science and technology

application and even is already the "personalization".

This book has several to let me more interested in subject matter.

For instance

"Smart shoes", it can record various physiology and mental state

of wearing reaction to adjust to wear current environment condition.

When two people meet, it can also tell the shoes of the other party

now his host's mood or physiology reaction and then the shoes of

the other party can also appropriate judgment current condition

form and tell host the reaction that should adopt or avoid which

actions of occurrence;

"Electronic books" is the function that can repeat an usage,

download, automatic renewal content and can print out an etc.

Laying aside book to use the electronic books or continuing study

a book?

"Go world" - wear in the computer of the body, the computer

should fit an user and not the user wants to continue to match with it;

"Smart things": When we bring more intelligent science and

technology to the crowd. The computer can disappear from the

world finally;

"The 3D printer": It can printout the things that saw on the computer

just and isn't the part that threw away raw material. But it was like

Lego similar to add raw material.




"When things start to think" 我想這句話的意思是:事物懂得學習、紀錄、




















The Meaning of The Life

The meaning of the life isn't lie in living of length, lie in whether lead splendid.



Found an interesting thing:Robots.txt .After research, originally it is a tool that prevents robot to record some web pages or data from website. Avoid the web pages to be exposed and be searched by the internet user. For example there is a directory in your website root that be called "securitydir" and you don't hope that the directory can't be searched by internet user but other directories can be recorded by robot. So, you have to add a Robots.txt in your website root and then disallow "securitydir" to be searched.

The main semantics of the "robots.txt" file are "User-agent" and "Disallow".

User-agent:This is the name of the robot that the record is describing access policy for.

For example:

User-agent: *

Access all robot to record.

User-agent: abcd

Only allow the name robot "abcd" to record.

Disallow: This can be a full path or a partial path that is not to be visited.

For example:

Disallow: /securitydir

Disallow both /securitydir and /securitydir/index.html

Disallow: /securitydir/

Allow /securitydir.html but disallow /security/index.html

Disallow: /123abc.html

Disallow 123abc.html to be retrieved.

For two instances:

1 . No robot can retrieve any URLs that starting with "/user/admin" or "/tmp" or



# Robots.txt for

User-agent: *

Disallow: /user/admin

Disallow: /tmp

Disallow: /user.html


2. No robot can retrieve any URLs that starting with "/user/admin" or "/tmp", except the

robot called "Ican".


# Robots.txt for

User-agent: *

Disallow: /user/admin

Disallow: /tmp

User-agent: Ican



Try it. ^^

發現了一個有趣的東西:Robots.txt .在研究一番之後,原來他是防止網路機器人Robot收錄網站某些網頁或資料的一種工具,避免網路使用著利用搜尋引擎去搜尋到不想曝光的網頁。


Robots.txt的主要語法有兩個:"User-agent" 和 "Disallow" 。



User-agent: *


User-agent: abcd


Disallow: 此為設定以哪些路徑或部分路徑開頭的URL完全禁止,也可以是檔案。


Disallow: /securitydir


Disallow: /securitydir/

允許/securitydir.html 但是不允許 /security/index.html被檢索

Disallow: /123abc.html

不允許123abc.html 該檔案被檢索


1 . 不允許 "/user/admin" 及 "/tmp" 開頭的URL和 /user.html被檢索,設定內容如下


# Robots.txt for

User-agent: *

Disallow: /user/admin

Disallow: /tmp

Disallow: /user.html


2. 除了名為Ican的robot可以進行檢索 "/user/admin" 和 "/tmp"之外,其他robot一概被禁止。


# Robots.txt for

User-agent: *

Disallow: /user/admin

Disallow: /tmp

User-agent: Ican



試試看吧! ^^

Resolve Blank Page in Drupal

Found a problem while wanting to modify drupal module this morning:

My admin/modules page became blank.

Check to just find that is originally out of memory.

Modified the memory_limit=16 M in the php.ini

memory_limit=16 M => memory_limit=40 M

(The 40 M is what I establishes. I don't knowing would not calculate until how

much at the right moment)

and then restart httpd.

This problem is resolved. ^^


原來只要修改了php.ini裡的memory_limit = 16M,

memory_limit=16 M => memory_limit=40 M (40M是我設的,不知道要多少才算剛好)



Ffmpeg for Gallery2

 Why want to install Ffmpeg?In fact is because I packed gallery2 for wanting an ability in the gallery2 to play the vedio and movies and sounds files.

In order to let the ffmpeg support more file formats, we must install the other encodings packages first before installing ffmpeg. I am to use a lazy person installing method, RPM -Uvh.

All of these set packages are supported Fedora Core 6 and can be got in the nether download.

1. support mp3 --Explain

#rpm -Uvh lame-3.97-1.fc6.i386.rpm

2. support ogg vorbis--Explain

# rpm -Uvh libogg-1.1.3-2.fc6.i386.rpm

#rpm -Uvh libvorbis-1.1.2-1.2.1.i386.rpm

4. support xvid--Explain

#rpm -Uvh xvidcore-1.1.0-4.lvn6.i386.rpm

5. support x264--Explain

#rpm -Uvh x264-0.0.0-0.3.20061023.fc6.i386.rpm

6. support mpeg4 (Explain) & aac (Explain)

#rpm -Uvh libfaad2-2.0rc1-51736cl.i386.rpm

#rpm -Uvh faac-1.24-3.fc6.i386.rpm

7. support 3gp--Explain

#rpm -Uvh

8. another packages related to ffmpeg





9. install ffmpeg


Finally, administer your gallery2's modules and type ffmpeg path(maybe

/usr/bin/ffmpeg) and enable it to work.

Steps be down.^^

Reference website:



這些套件全部都是support Fedora Core 6 and 可以在下面的download下載到。

1. 支援 mp3 --說明

#rpm -Uvh lame-3.97-1.fc6.i386.rpm

2. 支援 ogg vorbis--說明

# rpm -Uvh libogg-1.1.3-2.fc6.i386.rpm

#rpm -Uvh libvorbis-1.1.2-1.2.1.i386.rpm

4. 支援 xvid--說明

#rpm -Uvh xvidcore-1.1.0-4.lvn6.i386.rpm

5. 支援 x264--說明

#rpm -Uvh x264-0.0.0-0.3.20061023.fc6.i386.rpm

6. 支援 mpeg4 (說明) & aac (說明)

#rpm -Uvh libfaad2-2.0rc1-51736cl.i386.rpm

#rpm -Uvh faac-1.24-3.fc6.i386.rpm

7. 支援 3gp--說明

#rpm -Uvh

8. 其他Ffmpeg的相依性套件





9.安裝 ffmpeg




Keep one's promise:一言九鼎(Yi yan2 jiu3 ding3)

Saw a Discovery program tonight and introduce concerning pottery-troops issues.But among issues impression was most deep to speak of the thing " Ding Ding":The position of the private doctor equal to five Dings.

"Ding" original meanings be an usually three-legged ancient Chinese cooking vessel and is cast into by the bronze.It become container of offering sacrifices to the god afterwards and then become the symbol of the nations finally.So choose site for capital and then be called "settle Ding" certain place in a certain place;And"Ding3 zu2 san fen(division into three three centses)" then mean three square situations to stand opposite each other.

"Nine Dings" are the Dingses that the Da Yu casts after ascending the throne.Da Yu it is rumored have a great achievement because of regulate rivers and watercourses and then the Shun abdicates the throne to him.The Da Yu is divided into nine states of his territories and used the gold that nine state leaders pay tribute to cast into nine Dings and used to symbolize the nation that he rules. that is "nine Dings".It stress "the row Ding and food" more in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Represent the grade system of emperor, seignior and private doctor according to nine Dingses, seven Dingses and five Dingses.

"Keep one's promise一言九鼎(Yi yan2 jiu3 ding3)" of cause is at the Warring Kingdoms of Chinese, group of heroes set up separatist regime of time.

All countries value a talented person very much for strengthening an own strength. The Ping-Yuan gentleman of JHAO country kept many skillful persons and then prepare to be at any time to work for him. These people are called the retainer.
Have once, the Qin country takes the offensive JHAO country. The Ping-Yuan gentleman wants to plea for help from Chu country and plan from retainers to choose 20 persons who versed in literary and military arts to follow behind him to go to Chu country and persuade Chu's king to cooperate withstand Qin. But he picks around, only can select 19 people. At this time, a by the name Mao-Suei of the retainers come out to say:"please let me follow behind you and go to Chu country together!" Ping-Yuan gentleman has no confidence in him, but the end still promised.

Went to Chu's country, the Ping-Yuan gentleman work hard canvass Chu's king and speak of noon from the sunrise and still have no result. Hence, Mao-Suei wearing a sword ascend the rank then arrives at two king in fronts. Chu's king speaks loudly:"Go away! I get into conversation with your host , you to do what?"
Mao-Suei press sword to come forward to say to Chu's king: "Chu's country although has many people, now ten steps inside, no one can protect you. Your life is in my hand." Then he lecture Chu's king's and point out the advantage to cooperate withstand Qin country. Chu's king says hurriedly:"All right! All right!" and covenanted a cooperation agreement with Chu country on the palace right away.
Ping-Yuan gentleman applauds Mao-Suei after returning to Chu country hence say:"Sir speak with Chu's king of some kind of talk ,indeed powerful, be like nine Dingses and big clock, make Chu country be a value greatly."
So the meanings for "keep one's promise(一言九鼎(Yi yan2 jiu3 ding3))" would be parable that a words has power and be like nine Dingses so heavy. It can also say to be a honesty or keep engagement.

The reference website:











Sendmail+Mailscanner+ClamAV | Until The Twelve of Never

E-mail is a kind of ways to exchange messages that many people use now . But it s an undisputable fact that e-mail become the shortcut of the virus dissemination , and advertise letter is also a severe problem with the most internet users currently.

The MailScanner is a free and well-known mail anti-virus software and is also the tool that defends the advertisement letter mail.It supports various anti-virus softwares, including ClamAV etc..
The ClamAV is also a free E-mail anti-virus software, and then provides an on-line immediately real time service. It can detect more than 40,000 kinds of viruses, worms, the Trojan programs. ClamAV has a set of anti-virus experts who distribute in the world everywhere currently and renew for 24 hours and safeguard the virus database. If anyone finds the suspicious virus can also make contact with them at any time and them renew the virus yard immediately to be the latest protection action in cutty time.

Install(Suppose you have already installed sendmail.)

Step 1

Install MailScanner

Download from offical website

Download Stable versionVersion 4.54.6-1 for RedHat, Fedora and Mandrake Linux (and other RPM-based Linux distributions)

this version for Fedora Core.

And command

#tar zxvf MailScanner-4.56.8-1.rpm.tar.gz
#cd MailScanner-4.56.8-1


Installing............(Come some coffee ^.^)

When process be down. Then check the content in this file


Max Children = 5

//How many MailScanner processes do you want to run at a time?

Virus Scanning = yes

//Open the anti-virus function.

Virus Scanners = clamav

//Which Virus Scanning package to use.
  Use SpamAssassin = yes

//Do you want to find spam using the "SpamAssassin" package?

//You must install spamassassin before.

Save it.

Step 2

Install ClamAV

You must add account for clamav before install clamav.

#groupadd clamav

#useradd -g clamav -s /bin/false -c "Clam AntiVirus" clamav

#cd /usr/local/src

Download ClamAV tarball package from


#tar zxvf clamav-0.88.6.tar.gz

#cd clamav-0.88.6

#./configure --sysconfdir=/etc


#su -c "make install"

..........wait line......... ....

#vim /etc/clamd.conf

1.Add a # front the word "Example" (disable Example)

2.Alter "User clamav" to be "User root" and enable.(Remove #)

#vim /etc/freshclam.conf

1.Disable the "Example".

2.Enable the "Check=24".

Step 3

Restart MailScanner

#service MailScanner stop

#chkconfig sendmail off

(Hereafter will be started sendmail by MailScanner. We must prohibit sendmail to run

at a time)
#killall sendmail

(Kill all sendmail process in the memory.)
#service MailScanner start

Installing is well done. ^^

The reference website



ClamAV也是免費的電子郵件防毒軟體,又提供線上即時更新的服務。目前可以偵測超過40,000 種病毒、蠕蟲、木馬程式,並且有一組分佈在世界各地的病毒專家,24小時更新及維護病毒資料庫,任何人發現可疑病毒也可以隨時跟他們取得聯繫,立刻更新病毒碼,在極短的時間內完成最新的防護動作。




Version 4.54.6-1 for RedHat, Fedora and Mandrake Linux (and other RPM-based Linux distributions)


#tar zxvf MailScanner-4.56.8-1.rpm.tar.gz

#cd MailScanner-4.56.8-1




Max Children = 5


Virus Scanning = yes


Virus Scanners = clamav

  Use SpamAssassin = yes

# 如果你要使用SpamAssassin才開啟,但是你之前必須先安裝。


步驟 2



#groupadd clamav

#useradd -g clamav -s /bin/false -c "Clam AntiVirus" clamav

#cd /usr/local/src

下載ClamAV 穩定版本



#tar zxvf clamav-0.88.6.tar.gz

#cd clamav-0.88.6

#./configure --sysconfdir=/etc



#su -c "make install"



#vim /etc/clamd.conf

1. Example 之前加個# (disable Example)

2.修改 "User clamav" to "User root" 然後 enable.(Remove #)


#vim /etc/freshclam.conf

1.一樣在 Example 前加上#.

2.拿掉 Check=24 前的#。可以修改數字,此為24小時更新一次。

步驟 3


#service MailScanner stop

#chkconfig sendmail off

#killall sendmail

#service MailScanner start

安裝完成 ^^


Install Drupal

I use Fedora Core 5


phpmyadmin-2.9.02 and so on.

and so on.

Step 1:

We want to download drupal package to your website directory from the

official website or download directly from the link Drupal-4.7.3

or you can command


Step 2:

Extract the package by your extracted tool.

Use linux , maybe you can command

#tar zxvf drupal-4.7.3.tar.gz

#mv drupal-4.7.3 drupal /* rename the directory. */

Step 3:

Let's create a datebase drupal first.

You can use the mysql manage tool phpmyadmin to easy create a datebase

and then import database.4.1.mysql (where is in the drupal/datebase/

directory ) to the drupal (the datebase).

Step 4:

Use your editor to alter the settings.php where is in the drupal/sites/default/

Find this row:

$db_url = "mysql://username:password@localhost/database"

Change username, password,localhost and database to be new.

for example:

$db_url = "mysql://acmevil:********"

and then find this row

$base_url = ' ';

Input your complete url of website , remember don't add "/" in the end of


For my example:

$base_url = '';

Save it.

P.S I discover that $base_url= ' '; can be empty, but I don't know

whether it has influence or not.

Step 5:

Go to your URL of Drupal and create a account immediately. Because the

first account is the website's admimistrator.

Enjoy! ^^


Drupal-4.7.3,中文版可從Drupal Taiwan | 繁體中文支援站 下載。下載到您網站的



#tar zxvf drupal-4.7.3.tar.gz

#mv drupal-4.7.3 drupal //把drupal-4.7.3改成drupal

3.進入您的資料庫,新增一個資料庫(我是用phpmyadmin 來控制mysql),為drupal。



database.4.1.mysql。 請根據您的資料庫版本來選擇匯入的sql檔案。



$db_url = "mysql://username:password@localhost/database"

修改 username(資料庫使用者名稱)、 password(資料庫使者密碼)、



$base_url = ' ';


例如: $base_url = '';




現在就可以好好享受囉! ^^

Why I Choosed Drupal?

Very long has not played Servers and website set of. Because the school requests each people all to have the person website, thereupon when stroll the internet has discovered Drupal . Moreover Drupal is choosed one of open source CMS final five announced, this lets my interest be soaring. Under the curiosity obligation, wants to have a look Drupal to have what differently with before other frame station set of, with Wordpress, Xoops, Mambo, Joomla and so on has differently what.

很久沒有玩SERVER及網站套件,由於學校要求每個人都得要有個人網站,於是乎在逛網站時發現了Drupal,而且Drupal被選為五大CMS之一,這更讓我興趣高昂。在好奇心的驅使下,想看看Druapl跟之前其他的架站套件有何不同,跟WordpressXoopsMamboJoomla 等有何不同。